1pay.vn is now available to Vietnam!

1pay.vn is now available to Vietnam!

Dear traders! 

We are pleased to announce that FBS has connected new mobile payment system 1pay.vn! Now all our customers from Vietnam can use this convenient deposit option via cards Mobifone, Vittel, Vinaphone. You do not need to go far - you can buy a prepaid card in each kiosk. No matter where you are, this payment option is always at hand! 
You can make a deposit in VND at any time without commissions. Funds from the card are quickly and automatically credited to your account. A withdrawal can be easily made through local Vietnamese banks. FBS does everything for your success! 
Forex with FBS is available everywhere and to everyone! We strive to make your working with us as pleasant and profitable as possible. FBS continues to expand your trading opportunities and introduce new services. 
The most convenient and reliable deposit option is at your service with FBS! 
You can check out the website for more details: https://www.1pay.vn/

Deposit dengan sistem pembayaran tempatan anda

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